Zheng Lin

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Zheng Lin(林政)
PhD student in Electronic Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
Email: zhenglin0425a@163.com
[Google Scholar]

About Me

Welcome to Zheng Lin's homepage! I am currently a second-year PhD student at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Xianhao Chen and Prof. Kaibin Huang and I also work closely with Prof. Yue Gao and Prof. Zhe Chen in my PhD study. Before HKU, I was a master student of the Fudan INC lab led by Prof. Yue Gao.

Research Interests

  • Edge intelligence, split/distributed machine learning

  • Wireless networking

  • Satellite AI

Recent News

  • Jun. 2024: Our SplitLoRA project, a split parameter-efficient fine-tuning framework for Large Language Models (LLMs) has been launched, and we have released the source code!

  • Jan. 2024: Our paper entitled "Efficient Parallel Split Learning over Resource-constrained Wireless Edge Networks" has been accepted at IEEE TMC !

  • Jan. 2024: Our paper entitled "Split Learning in 6G Edge Networks" has been accepted at IEEE WC !

  • Mar. 2023: I was awarded the Fudan Outstanding Graduate and Shanghai Outstanding Graduate !

  • Nov. 2022: I was awarded the Postgraduate National Scholarship (1/165) !

  • Oct. 2022: Our paper entitled "Tracking and Transmission Design in Terahertz V2I Networks" has been accepted at IEEE TWC !

  • Oct. 2022: Our paper entitled "Channel Power Gain Estimation for Terahertz Vehicle-to-infrastructure Networks" has been accepted at IEEE CL !

  • May. 2022: Our paper entitled "V2I-aided Tracking Design" has been accepted at IEEE ICC !

  • Nov. 2021: Our paper entitled "Spatial-spectral Terahertz Networks" has been accepted at IEEE TWC !
